Bad flying weather can be exceptionally photogenic. One trip, heading north-west through NSW, we spent almost the entire day dodging storms. We finally made camp just short of Windorah, in southern Queensland. As we were setting up the clouds on the horizon parted like the curtains of a stage, to reveal a rich red and particularly dramatic sunset.
Another confrontation with the elements occurred on a rare trip to Cape York in 2004, when we were totally unprepared for the strong winds. We had previously crossed Cape York only once, so had little prior experience of the conditions there. The predominant wind is a strong southeaster, which blows across the Cape for a good eight months of the year. As our mode of travel ensures that all meals are taken al fresco, if it rains we get wet, or if it's windy and the sun is overhead we get fried. Even a half decent breeze prevents us from erecting our shade tent. On this trip the wind was so strong that when we put plates on the table they blew off like Frisbees.
We love the Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) area of Queensland, and have visited it often. Especially when the flowering gums produce their lush creamy blossoms and Varied Lorikeets and Red-winged Parrots flock there to take advantage of the nectar. The ancient limestone outcrops are fascinating, with many curious thunder eggs and various odd shaped concretions still partially trapped within them.